
Susan - 2009-07-10 04:31:07
Well girl, my heart goes out to you. I laughed though your entire story. Though sad, it was funny. I too am knee deep in the throws of online dating. E Harmony being one of them. Supposedly the Cadillac of dating sites. Truthfully I find it the dating site of all those men who can keep a distance hiding behind all those stupid stock questions. I have gotten through the painful rounds of questions to the good part where you actually get to communicate directly with the person, to be asked if I live in Manhattan, I answered, "yes". And never never heard another word from the guy! Another time we got all the way to the end, and the dude wrote me he was seeing someone and we were to go no further. Linda, you get the "geezers" and I get the "disappearing man"! Recently I as well have had the wonderful experience of the "Mr Desparates" They are very good looking men, with so many issues who have gone over to "God" to help solve their problems. They profess their love within 2 conversations, and insist you see no on else till you meet. They basically ask you to tell them you love them, by the third call! Call me shallow, but they were so attractive, that I let us get to call three. If he was a dud in the looks department we might have made it to a second call, though I doubt it. Lol. So I ask too, where are the men who really, truly are looking for a great woman to hang with? Oh that's right, they are having their hearing aids fixed!!! I'll share more dating war stories anytime!!!
Baby Virginia - 2009-07-10 15:39:37
I met a cute 7 week old guy named Paul in a children's hair salon yesterday. There I was, looking all cute in my Baby Bjorn but he couldn't tear himself away from his mom's boob long enough to check me out! So much for older guys- I guess these problems are universal. I immediately peed my diaper in despair...
Brendan - 2009-07-10 16:58:59
Linda, I just had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your piece; it was real and it was tragic and it was a pisser. Speaking as one of those old geezers who is sporting about an 80% non-working system, I enjoy hearing about your travails out there in the world. Thanks a lot, and I look forward to your next installment. Brendan
antoinette - 2009-07-11 00:52:39
Where is this ass from...he certainly is not a slick nyc guy...any guy with half an ego would never admit to such flaws or challenges. This ain't no ladies man....i agree with Elizabeth's answer....get rid of this LOSER with a great comeback answer. Usually I am openminded...but this is just pathetic....I think he was just jerking around....he probably does not have a hearing ailment....he has a woman problem...linda...I wish I had a hot 40 year old for you...that is what you need!
gripewater - 2009-07-11 05:08:58
Antoinette, thanks for "getting it" cugine. I WISH I could find a HOT 40-year-old guy (or 50-year-old, even!)
Michael - 2009-07-12 17:27:05
Linda...once I stopped laughing (and laughing and laughing) I realized that you are making me more self conscious than ever. You know when something is soooo dumb that you are embarrased for laughing ... even though you are all alone? I am self conscious about dating and now I'm cringing with self hatred and I'm not even on a date!! Now I worry about the chance that a date may blog too! You are always painting such lovely images like...this looser was "stuffing his pie hole" or all of these loosers "have facial hair and none on their domes" L....does this mean that now you could even find some fault with Mick Jagger? What about Woody Allen? Give a guy a break... so he wears two hearing aides.... these new Belletones are so small now. Anyway thanks for the dating tips...gotta run... I've got to shave and get to the pharmacy by 5pm. xx
pedro quinones - 2009-07-12 21:07:56
Linda, I laughed so hard I short circuited my electric pace maker, broke the elastic in my hernia belt and wet my adult diaper!. Geezers are such pathetic losers! Pedro
Mike T. - 2010-02-01 23:48:41
Linda, This was hysterical! Thanks for sending me your link!--Mike T.
patti meyers - 2010-05-22 03:29:49
I loved your article! I still talk to an ex-fiance and have to shout or repeat everything for the whole conversation. I'd love to read more of your dating or nondating experiences... Patti

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